Mirror Portal - An Ever After High Fandom Wiki


Mirror Portal - An Ever After High Fandom Wiki
CoTMIvyEOur last Month's winner is Ivy Efiáltis. If you haven't already, please check out this awesome character and leave congratulations on their page!

Now, onto the vote for next Month, August 2021. It will end on July 30th, 2021 at 8:00 p.m. Central European Summer Time (CEST). Happy voting y'all!


  • Users cannot vote for their own character(s).
  • A character that has already won, cannot win or be voted for again.
  • A creator cannot win two months in a row.
  • Please keep editing your vote to a minimum. Vote with the upmost certainty you have.

How to Vote

  • Comment below on which characters you would like to vote.
  • You can vote up to three FCs.
  • It has to be concrete characters. Saying “any of User so and so characters” will not be counted.
  • Write out the character's full name and provide a link to their character page.
  • We encourage you to give a short reason as to why you think this character deserves to be put in the Spotlight.

In Case of a Tie

Admins will decide on the winner considering the following:

  • Which character was voted for the most months prior
  • Whether or not the creator voted themselves within the month of question


  • Vote for characters you like, don't feel pressured to vote for the ones everyone is voting for.
  • When winners are announced, it would be nice to go and leave congratulations on their page!

Get out the Vote Art Raffle

Since the turnout of votes for the past few months was so sparsely, we have decided to raffle free art to random voters! The more people vote, the more spots will open. There is a minimum of 6 votes needed to open the art raffle. So if you are interested in free art from our admins, vote your favorite FCs today!

  • 6-12 Votes by person - one open spots
  • 13-19 Votes by person - two open spots
  • 20+ Votes by person - three open spots